Showing posts with label earn money with bitcoins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earn money with bitcoins. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2016

Earn Money with BITCOIN !

What is Bitcoin?

Today i am going to tell you a bit more about Bitcoin!
Bitcoin is a payment system introduced as open-source software in 2009 by developer Satoshi Nakamoto. The payments in the system are recorded in a public ledger using its own unit of account, which is also called bitcoin.
Payments work peer-to-peer without a central repository or single administrator, which has led the US Treasury to call bitcoin a decentralized virtual currency. Although its status as a currency is disputed, media reports often refer to bitcoin as a cryptocurrency or digital currency.

Further below you will find a video telling more about BitCoin.

Where can I find bitcoin faucets?
Below are the ones i have been using regularly to earn some extra cash in bitcoins : Click on the banners,  go ahead, explore and earn a few bitcoins while at it!

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Bitcoins are created as a reward for payment processing work in which users offer their computing power to verify and record payments into the public ledger. Called mining, individuals or companies engage in this activity in exchange for transaction fees and newly created bitcoins. Besides mining, bitcoins can be obtained in exchange for fiat money, products, and services. Users can send and receive bitcoins electronically for an optional transaction fee using wallet software on a personal computer, mobile device, or a web application.

Bitcoin as a form of payment for products and services has seen growth,and merchants have an incentive to accept the digital currency because fees are lower than the 2-3% typically imposed by credit card processors. The European Banking Authority has warned that bitcoin lacks consumer protections. Unlike credit cards, any fees are paid by the purchaser not the vendor. Bitcoins can be stolen and chargebacks are impossible. Commercial use of bitcoin is currently small compared to its use by speculators, which has fueled price volatility.

Bitcoin has been a subject of scrutiny amid concerns that it can be used for illegal activities. In October 2013 the US FBI shut down the Silk Road online black market and seized 144,000 bitcoins worth US$28.5 million at the time. The US is considered bitcoin-friendly compared to other governments. In China, buying bitcoins with yuan is subject to restrictions, and bitcoin exchanges are not allowed to hold bank accounts.

Is Bitcoin really used by people?

There is a growing number of businesses and individuals using Bitcoin. This includes brick and mortar businesses like restaurants, apartments, law firms, and popular online services such as Namecheap, WordPress, and Reddit. While Bitcoin remains a relatively new phenomenon, it is growing fast. At the end of August 2013, the value of all bitcoins in circulation exceeded US$ 1.5 billion with millions of dollars worth of bitcoins exchanged daily.

If you want to know more then check out the full Bitcoin Wikipedia article.

It is possible to earn bitcoins for free by using Bitcoin Faucets!

What is a BitCoin Faucet ?

Bitcoin faucets are a reward system, in the form of a website or app, that dispenses rewards in the form of a satoshi, which is a hundredth of a millionth BTC, for visitors to claim in exchange for completing a captcha or task as described by the website.

Why bitcoin faucets?
Rewards are in place to attract visitors to the faucet’s webpage. These faucet sites usually contain advertisements. Advertisers pay the faucet owner to display these ads on his site. Advertising costs are calculated on Cost per Thousand impression (CPM) basis. This means, if the site gets more visitors and if each visitor spends more time on the site, then the site owner gets more money from displayed ads. These rewards attract more visitors and they come back regularly to claim their rewards.

In simple words — Faucets get more repeated visitors to the site; in turn, the owner gets more money from the advertisers.

Faucets also play an important role in the bitcoin ecosystem. It encourages more people to understand and adopt bitcoin.

How to use bitcoin faucets?
Using a bitcoin faucet is very simple. Once you visit the faucet webpage, you have to enter your bitcoin wallet address and hit enter.  A timer will start counting the amount of time you spend on the site. Once you spend a certain amount of time on the site, you can claim your reward by clicking the “Claim Now” or similar button. You will have to prove that you are a human by filling in a Captcha or by solving a simple mathematical problem, (this prevents any automated script from claiming rewards at regular intervals).  That is it…! You have claimed your reward. Your reward will be credited either immediately or on a designated weekly payout day to your wallet.

Typically, faucets have a minimum time interval limit between claims by each visitor, in order to prevent one person from claiming all the available bitcoin from faucet’s wallet. This duration usually varies from 5 minutes to 24 hours.

I hope this article has helped you learn more about making money with Bitcoins!

Any questions? feel free to comment below !

You can also check my other income generating sites HERE!